[Sca-cooks] urine uses

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Mon Feb 3 19:46:40 PST 2003

At 09:37 PM 2/3/03 -0600, you wrote:
>Edouard Halidai commented:
>> I think my wife was using lye instead.  Neither one sounds very
>> appetizing, eh?
>Well, from the urine-uses-msg file I mentioned recently:
>> From: Carol Thomas <scbooks at neca.com>
>> To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu
>> Subject: Re: Tanning?
>> The _Forgotten English_ calendar had a recent day devoted to the uses of
>> stale urine.  The one that I cannot forget is its use in flavoring 17th c.
>> ale.
>Since this is a 17th c. item, I guess it would not make a good entry
>for an SCA A&S contest...
>Maybe those comments about Coors aren't so far off...

Dunno- my prof in 14th-15thc English History says that a batch of ale was
started in some places not by adding yeast, but by spitting or urinating
into the mix. I think the idea was that the bacteria in the saliva or urine
would start the batch. I don't remember if she gave us a reference for it

-I am NOT drinking that!
*I am One With the Duck*

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