[Sca-cooks] a question for the geeks- OT-OOP

Patrick McKinnion patgund at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 9 20:59:04 PST 2003

On 1/8/03 8:51 PM, "Laura C. Minnick" <lcm at efn.org>  sat on a tribble, which

> Is anyone using Netscape 7 yet? Do you have an opinion? I really need to
> upgrade (_if_ the computer will let me, and that is a big if) but every
> time a new version comes out I hear lots of screaming and yelling. So is 7
> the AntiChrist or is 6 still holding the title?

    So far I've not had many problems with the OS X version of Netscape 7,
though six was a dog enough to keep me using 4.7x on the Windows and MacOS 9
machines.  Chimera, (a Motzilla variant for OS X) was also nice.   I've been
using Apple's new browser, Safari, (based on KDE's Konqueror from the Linux
world), and so far I'm quite impressed by it.   Opera is nice as well.

    (Ironically, IE 5 for Mac OS X is far more standards compliant than its
Windows sibling.)

    I would recommend Netscape 7 over 6 anyday.   However, some of the
alternatives out there are nice as well.

    - Padraig o Connell

"         ," said Pooh, forgetting his lines.
(http://home.earthlink.net/~patgund)  ICQ# 5527565
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