[Sca-cooks] Ok let's try this... Here is the... change the subject line...

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Mon Jan 20 21:27:48 PST 2003

At 12:05 AM 1/21/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Good food.  For every skill I have, I can think of at least one person
>who's far more talented and accomplished.  If I were to let that
>discourage me, I would never again tell a tale, cook a feast, or
>stitch an embroidery stitch.  And that would be a bad idea.

Hey- that one other person can't be everywhere, yes? ;-)

I figure it is my part to contribute such that I become a stepping-stone to
those who come after me. I want my work to be something that can be built
on, a strong foundation for a glorious edifice (ok, the hyperbole is
getting thick, but you know what I mean). My girls are off and trying stuff
on their own now- with skills I taught them. My own form of immortality...

-wearing a sweater that would put a traffic cone to shame, and frighten
away the deer hunters for miles around...
"No trains will be sold after the magazines leave the depot." Groucho Marx,
_Animal Crackers_

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