[Sca-cooks] MY DAY IN CLASS

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Tue Jan 28 18:17:43 PST 2003

At 08:50 PM 1/28/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Thanks for letting me know 'Lainie.
>Y'know.... I didn't even receive my original post through the list.... how
>And tell me again what  Convivitas et Schmoozitas R Us means,, Well, I know
>what schmoozing is.....  LOL

It is... a joke. Actually, I stole it from a conference announcement, for
an academic conference in, er, I think it's in March. Anyway, they have the
schedule all made up, there's this session and that session and the other,
and a break for lunch, and more sessions, and at one point, there's an
extended meal break with drinks, etc, during which it appreas that they
want some socializing to go on, because the slot on the schedule says
"Convivitas et Schmoozitas", basically, socializing and 'schmoozing'- there
being something of a slight-of-hand happening with the Latin form 'to
schmooze'. ;-)

And I decided to use it because... because I really enjoy socializing with
my friends, and as most of us know, the best parts of the party involve
hanging around where there's food. Who needs a living room? We need a big
dining room and plenty of room in the kitchen- because that's where people
always end up!

Convivitas et Schmoozitas R Us

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