[Sca-cooks] "Uncommon fruits worthy of attention"

jenne at fiedlerfamily.net jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Thu Jul 17 11:36:49 PDT 2003

Just got this in through ILL:
_Uncommon Fruits worthy of Attention: A gardener's Guide_, by Lee Reich.
(NY: Addison-Wesley, 1991.

The book includes descriptions, sketches, history, cultivation, and use
information for the following fruits: Pawpaw, gooseberry, Nanking cherry,
medlar, juneberry, maypop, kaki and American persimmons, raisin tree,
black currant, elaeagnus, actinidia, jujube, alpine and musk strawberries,
currants, red and white, mulberry, lowbush blueberry, Asian pear,
Jostabery, and cornelian cherry. Also included are info on pollination,
siting and planting, pruning, propagation, and mail order sources. Well

This is fascinating. I want to go out and buy a whole bunch of trees

-- Pani Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika   jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
"Freedom is expensive, dangerous, unpredictable, and sometimes ugly
and offensive. At such a high price, no wonder it is sweet."
-- John N. Barry, _Library Journal_, January 1992

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