[Sca-cooks] Getting the most use out of a particular food

Daniel Myers doc at medievalcookery.com
Mon Jul 21 08:16:22 PDT 2003

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 11:11 AM, <jeanne at atasteofcreole.com> 

>> I should have said garden compost to distinguish it from the
>> edible compost!
> No I gotta ask!  Eidble compost?!?!?

Yup.  It's a sort of pickled root vegetable recipe, and probably is the 
origin of the modern word "compote".

Source [Curye on Inglish, Constance B. Hieatt & Sharon Butler (eds.)]: 
103 Compost. Take rote of persel, of pasternak, of rafens, scrape hem 
and waische hem clene. Take rapes & caboches, ypared and icorue. Take 
an erthen panne with clene water & set it on the fire; cast alle þise 
þerinne. Whan þey buth boiled cast þereto peeres, & perboile hem wel. 
Take alle þise thynges vp & lat it kele on a faire cloth. Do þereto 
salt; whan it is colde, do hit in a vessel; take vyneger & powdour & 
safroun & do þerto, & lat alle þise thynges lye þerin al nyght, oþer al 
day. Take wyne greke & hony, clarified togider; take lumbarde mustard & 
raisouns coraunce, al hoole, & grynde powdour of canel, powdour douce & 
aneys hole, & fenell seed. Take alle þise thynges & cast togyder in a 
pot of erthe, & take þereof whan þou wilt & serue forthe.

There are many redactions of this recipe available online - mine can be 
found at


- Doc

  Edouard Halidai  (Daniel Myers)

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