[Sca-cooks] dealing with cooks neurosis

Rosine nothingbutadame at inthe.sca.org
Thu Jun 26 21:57:26 PDT 2003

> > Atlantia had a feast where the stove blew up
> > something to do with a gas line, someone got
> >  hurt and everyone was still fed and chaos
> > somewhat minimized.
> Well, yes, but Jaella of Armida was cooking that feast. :)
> -- Pani Jadwiga Zajaczkowa

   And the only people hurt were two ladies, one a teen - they were wearing
poly blend clothing, while the three younger "kitchen helpers", dressed in
wool, were fine (the lower oven blew at about an 8-year-old's knee level).
   We did, however, lose a door to an enthusiastic rescuer who battened it
down rather than wait for it to be unlocked.
   The nicer memory was Jaelle's blushes about her new beau as were were
helping her with food preps in the wee hours of Friday night... they
celebrated their what, 6th? wedding anniversary this month. How time flies.

Baroness at that event

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