OT - Re: [Sca-cooks] (no subject)

Phil Troy/ G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Tue Mar 11 09:01:29 PST 2003

Also sprach Diana Skaggs:

>Danny Boy, there really ARE people that stupid! Liadan
>  Daniel Myers <doc at medievalcookery.com> wrote:It just has to be
>bogus, because no one could be that dumb.

I'm inclined to agree. There really are people out there for whom any
list subject matter not specifically chosen by themselves is
considered not only a waste of time but a personal affront. What I
find hard to believe is that anybody would subscribe, read the
various FAQ material associated with subscribing, and consider the
posts to be without import, _and_ fail to see the instructions for
unsubscribing on every post.

It's a conundrum. Morons with extremely high standards...

Note that the person in question subscribed via a Hotmail account,
one of the best friends of people who get a charge out of being
obnoxious in public. (No, I am not accusing Hotmail users of being
obnoxious, but it does seem obnoxious people like to use it --
defecate where you eat, and all you have to do is change your
address; it takes two minutes.)

Adamantius, no-import idiot

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