[Sca-cooks] Sorry for the bandwith

Ana Valdés agora at algonet.se
Wed Mar 19 23:50:26 PST 2003

Dear SCA friends: A few days ago I was in Palestina Gaza stripe, when I left a
bulldozer killed Rachel Corrie, an American collegestudent. She was 23 years, a
member of ISM, an international activist group trying to stop the destruction of
Palestinian houses in Rafa, near the bordet to Egypt. Rachels death was
horrible, I flew back to Sweden and I am now aghast, Condolezza Rice announced
now USA is going to grant Israel 87 billions dollars in economical and militar
aid. Will Rachels death not change anything?


Olwen the Odd wrote:

> >Fellow human beings and lovers of humanity, I am Misha Grigor'ev in the SCA
> >and also known mundanly as Mike Gray. With the pre-bombing of Iraq, I am
> >sad
> >to hear what the many Iraqi's are hearing right near their homes. How
> >horrible they  must feel wondering if a bomb will come through their roof.
> >Therefore, I propose as people of faith (or no faith) that tomorrow you
> >should wear a symbol of your faith or voice your concern tomorrow about a
> >bully war. For my fellow Catholics, I suggest the Rosary. Thanks one and
> >all!
> >
> >Misha Grigor'ev
> >Mike Gray
> Oh honey.  How scary it is to be young enough to know your first war.  To
> think of the babies that woke suddenly crying to the noise of that.  To hold
> the compassion in your heart to care, to hurt, to stand up and say
> something, knowing that someone, somewhere, is not agreeing with you.
> Hoping that in the tomorrows there may enough wisdom and courage to find a
> foothold on the path to a more sensible humanity.
> Hearing your voice and opinion means a lot.
> Remember Misha dear, be war-monger or peace-monger, it is a battle either
> one.  Choose your battle and go in with eyes wide open and expect to lose
> some of the skirmishes.  With grace, the war will be won.  I hope it is the
> war of the peace-mongers.
> Olwen, member Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization
> since 1969
> If you need to talk to someone, we can talk on the phone.  No worries, I'll
> pay for the call.  Love.
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