[Sca-cooks] Romanian cookbook, follow-up

Solwerlad fitzlancelot at seznam.cz
Wed Sep 10 05:21:47 PDT 2003

Hello Petru

PL> These are the words that I can't figure out yet, with the context:

PL> vapsita: "a little water 'vapsita' with saffron"
Vapsit/-a is the Participe from the verb "a vapsi" (modern vopsi) -
"to colour".  "vapsita" means therefore "coloured".

PL> razi: part of a fish (the scale, perhaps?)
"sa razi" is Subjonctive (=Imperative here) of "a rade"=to scour, to

PL> jales: a vegetable, with purple flowers, may be a substitute for laurel
PL> leaves

PL> iahnii: "To make snails and 'iahnii' sweet"
"iahnia" is the name of a dish (of Turkish origin), a kind of stew

PL> osibesti: "with so much only 'osibesti' in this with water"
osibesti looks like a form of "a osebi"=to distinguish

PL> pelite: "clean of blood and other 'pelite'"
"pelite" is the plural of "pelita" = thin skin (also those films between
layers of meat etc.)

PL> Far: "boil in a pot with water, 'far' of salt"
"far" might be a regional/ancient form for "fara" = "without"

PL> Pialea: "mix these with the bread and fill 'pialea'"
pialea = the skin

PL> Macra: " 'macra', salt, egg yolks, chopped herbs".. (could be 'macris', that
PL> is, 'sorrel')
if the recipe calls for meat, macra = lean meat

PL> marinile: "pour above a sauce of 'marinile'"

PL> cepsoare: "sugar, 3-4 whole 'cepsoare', pepper, cinnamon"
cep(u)soara is diminutive of "ceapa" and means small onion

PL> Denainte: "Take a rabbit, the 'denainte' part, and cut small"
denainte = front (i.e. here the front part of the rabbit)

PL> catastine: "with chick peas and ripe 'catastine' "

PL> hatmatuchiu: a vegetable, probably an herb

PL> Ratunjasti, ratunde: an action, maybe skinning or cutting off fat
ratunjiasti is the verb (in Imperative) meaning "to make round"
ratunde is the adjective (feminine, plural) meaning "round"
In this context, it is about the muscles of the spine (of pork), which
should be cut out unbroken, in their rounded shape

PL> sorici: related to lard
soric (plural sorici) is the pork skin (usually above lard, indeed).
The hair was burnt and the skin was used for food or simply eaten with
salt (a treat :-))

PL> Insi: "smear the flesh with wine and knead two 'insi'"
in general, "ins" means "man", "person"
Here, it is about that two men should knead the minced meat

PL> pritocesc: "in summer, when 'pritocesc' wines"
A pritoci is what is done in spring to wine: taken out of
barrels and moved to clean ones, in order to separate the clean wine
from sediment

PL> calamo: some aromatic spice

PL> cramazu: "2 dram (7 ml) cramazu, well ground"
cramaz = carmaz (Phytolacca decandra), taken usually as a colouring
agent (red)

PL> micsinele: "Take leaces of 'micsinele'"
micsinele = micsunele = Cheirantus cheiri (a herb)

PL> Pimnita: "let stand in 'pimnita'"
"pimnita"="pivnita" = cold cellar

PL> caculea: maybe a kind of nut, perhaps cashew?

PL> gugosi: "Take 'gugosi' of ink" (maybe shaves of previously solidified ink)
those are the excrescences on oak leaves (the ink worm makes them),
used for making ink

PL> cailor: would be  kind of stone, used to make ink
"piatra cailor" = literally "the horses' stone"
but not even the cookbook's Romanian editors managed to find out what
precisely it is
in any case, it must have been a chemical substance (green), since
other frases with "piatra" stand for sulfur, arsenic etc.

PL> Comid, comidul: also used to make ink

PL> magnit: a mineral

Solwerlad                          mailto:fitzlancelot at seznam.cz

Car mon pire et mon mieu
Sont les plus deserts lieux.

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