[Sca-cooks] Dutch ovens?

Louise Smithson helewyse at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 10 06:36:29 PST 2004

Indeed there are.  It is called a Testo - basically a
top.  There are pictures of them in Scappi (16th C
Itlian).  The documentation on Testo indicates that
they were either made of pottery or of copper, not
iron.  But they did fit over the pie pan and allow you
to bake pies in the coals of a fire. Where a testo is
referenced in the recipe you often find a description
of how to use it.  I.e. use more fire above than
below, or some such description.  
I plan on making one out of clay before Pennsic and
using it + the pie as my entry for the A&S display.  

Kiri wrote: 
There are references in Platina and other 15th century
cookbooks to a pot that you put coals on the lid of to
make it function as an 

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