[Sca-cooks] The eating of meat in America

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Thu Feb 12 07:10:22 PST 2004

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> > Just curious about people's opinions....
> >
> > Have people changed their meat eating habits since the mad cow scare
> > lately?
> >
> > If you have given up meat, will you be going back to eating it any time
> > soon?

Why? Cuz, I don't know how many food fads I've seen come down the pike, with
learned folk telling you to eat this, or not eat that, that this, that, and
the other thing will kill you/give you cancer/ turn your hair

I ignore all of them. I figure, if you eat a balanced and varied diet, of
good food well- prepared, with a minimum of commercially prepared STUPH,
you'll likely get along just fine. If you control your quantities
reasonably, and exercise adequately, there's no reason you shouldn't live a
fairly healthy life. Yes, some people have differences in how they
metabolize foods, not to mentiion allergies and illnesses that require
specific dietary adjustments, but requiring EVERYBODY to eat under the rules
of the moment, to prevent various difficulties which may not apply to the
diners is ridiculous.

I'm lucky- I like almost every foodstuff there is, and I'm not allergic to
any of it. I furthermore tend to like things that are good for me- fresh
fruits and vegetables, fresh meats and fishes, and I'm not a big fan of
highly salted and sugared fast foods. Perhaps my good health is due to being
fed such a diet since I was a child? I don't know. But I guarantee you I'm
not going to avoid certain foods for the panic of the week.

Wasn't so long ago that as the result of some study, people were told to
avoid butter and eat margarine. Since I can't stand the taste of margarine,
I ignored them- and here we are, a few years later, discovering that
margarine's worse for you than butter... Jeeze....

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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