[Sca-cooks] Blood Bread

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Sat Jan 17 22:35:12 PST 2004

The Sheltons <sheltons at sysmatrix.net> [2004.01.18] wrote:
> In period, the French had a famine bread made with animal
> blood added into the grain for additional protein.

You can still buy in Sweden thin unleavened flat (barley) bread with
added blood, a form of blood dumplings (blodpalt; black pudding mix, but
with more flour, boiled in salted water and served with sauce, or
sliced, refried and served with lingonberries). The latter could also be
made with a filling of diced, fried "bacon", and the mix included

 currently trying to decide what to do with a pigs head (split, brains

UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
[Hearing about what's on a US ballot] Jeez, this is worse than Sim City.
Do you get to choose natural disasters too?
		-- Malcolm Ray

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