[Sca-cooks] SCA in an obit on NPR

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Wed Jul 21 17:42:54 PDT 2004

Dang.  Sounds like a nice piece, but my computer refuses to access it 
(maybe because I've got netscape?)

Robin Carroll-Mann wrote:

> On 21 Jul 2004, at 8:51, kingstaste at mindspring.com wrote:
>>Did anyone else hear the piece on the SCA member that was killed in Iraq on NPR
>>this morning?  I was in the bathroom and kept hearing 'Society for Creative
>>Anachronism....Iraq....' and finally caught the last of it.  I know it will be
>>available on-line after 10AM, and it sounded generally positive about us and
>>him, so it will be worth a listen. 
> Yes, the link is here:
> http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgDate=21-Jul-2004&prgId=3
> Scroll down about halfway: "Remembering Lt. Brian Smith"
> It was a very positive piece.  There was a nice quote from his mother about 
> how making Brian's garb became a family activity.  His father hunted deer 
> and tanned the hides, and his mother did the sewing.
> May his family and friends be comforted by his memory.

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