[Sca-cooks] Soom to appear...

Susan Fox-Davis selene at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 28 13:06:59 PDT 2004

>Stefan harrumphs:
>Hmmph. I've seen this. I thought this link was going to, finally, tell me when this show would be on. :-)
Sorry.  August 9, 10 p.m. ET/PT, Food Network.  
That was my link for the recipe, which Fud TV is not putting up for some 
reason, so I did.  
Food Network link for the show:  <http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_sf>

>I've still not caught any of these shows. I hope whomever mentioned it was right, and this series shows up in reruns. It's been a while since I watched *any* TV.
I'm recording all the episodes with Huen and myself in them on TiVO and 
will make them available to folk from our e-lists at no charge, just 
cause I'm a nice person and have a lot of spare short tapes around the 
house.  Postage would be nice but I'd rather have barter goods from your 
respective parts of the Known World.  ;-)
Huen and his apprentice have already appeared in the Sandwiches show and 
will turn up again with Cookies on 8/2.  I believe they shot his GOOD 
COOKYS booth at Gulf Wars or Pennsic, yesno?

Selene C.

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