[Sca-cooks] that passive voice

caointiarn caointiarn1 at juno.com
Fri Jun 4 18:47:55 PDT 2004

> since speaking my mind on my kingdom A&S list got me roundly scolded for
saying "&$#%@# passive voice" [and yes, I did use the symbols,
not a real word] because I'm supposed to be some sort of a role model.
-- Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika

  Are you referring to someone's documentation?  I ask because that was
pointed out to me {ugh, passive tense; no passion}, about mine at this last
go-round of exibitions.  I write "THE FACTS" what was then, what is now, how
I did and why I did.  I  use first person minimally, because I'm teaching
about the item/technique/ of my entry.  Is there a better alternative?

Caointiarn {who needs to start working on new documentation for Kingdom
Level entries}

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