[Sca-cooks] hurley

Susan Fox-Davis selene at earthlink.net
Wed May 5 10:11:22 PDT 2004

Aeduin and Mobi watched the Western hurlers with much interest, and 
might try to instigate a game down south.  I'm researching it now.  

The differences seem to be:

Hurley is Irish, Shinty is Scots
Hurley is played on the ground, in the air, anywhere;  Shinty is mainly 
on the ground [and the stick is longer - Scots brag!]

Irish and Scots duke it out

Hurley reference in the Tain Bo Cualgne

Old Hurley sticks and balls

Hurley equipment, include foam children's set

encyclopedia article on Hurley

National shinty org in Scotland

Selene C.

>>In the OED, the earlist reference to Shinty is

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