[Sca-cooks] Candied Orange Peel

James Prescott prescotj at telusplanet.net
Sun May 9 23:14:31 PDT 2004

At 00:10 -0500 2004-05-10, Stefan li Rous wrote:
>  Kateryn de Develyn mentioned:
>> Mistress Diana McLean and I tried making the sugared orange peel with
>> ginger. We added freshly peeled and sliced ginger to the sugar syrup
>> we were making to put the orange peel in.
>> I have to tell you, the result was absolutely fantastic! You
>> couldn't taste the ginger at all, but the orange flavor of the peels
>> just popped! I have never tasted such orangey sugared peels before.
> Thank you. This sounds interesting and I'll have to try this sometime.
> I may have missed earlier comments, but do we have any evidence of
> ginger, or other items, being added to the sugar syrup for flavoring
> and not for sugaring that item itself?

One late period recipe for candying oranges includes cinnamon.

Casteau, "Ouverture de Cuisine", 1604 (my translation):

"Take some oranges divided into two, and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon 
on top, and put them on a grill with low heat, and pour a bit of melted
butter on top until you see that the sugar is dissolved: then add more
sugar and cinnamon, and butter, and make the fire a bit larger, and add
ofttimes sugar and cinnamon, until you see that it is entered into the


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