[Sca-cooks] Another knife question

kattratt kattratt at charter.net
Sun Oct 31 19:14:34 PST 2004

Ok I say this because having known you for 4-5 years in a virtual way I 
feel that I can... (IE Don't get offended here I am picking)
I just had this really funny picture of a learning exchange class at 

Stefan sits in a tent with his laptop/whatever his Florilegium wizards 
access files are stored upon...

People/student/teachers come in and ask Stefan for the references in the 
florilegium for left handed medieval gum chewers or whatever obscure 
thing they want to know about the middle ages that is stored on his site...
In return they have to teach Stefan something...
So you get this kind of scenario... Stefan I need this info... type type 
type here it is on my site....
Thank You Stefan... here is how to cook a boiled peanut/ use a knife/ 
parboil yaks milk... whatever.
You always amaze me in how much technical and web stuff you know but 
also how little practical kitchen stuff you know...
It seems that we all have a new project when we next see Stefan... teach 
proper knife usage... well ok ya'll do... I doubt I will see him anytime 
soon having never physically met the man...
Virtual friends, it just seems so weird....
of Course the internet was foreign to me 10 years ago...


Stefan li Rous wrote:

>  Thank you! I have, I think, been using my knives all wrong. I can't 
> quite figure out what you exactly are describing but perhaps I will 
> with some more rereading. This is a chopping motion with a bit of 
> horizontal movement? I'm not quite sure which parts of the knife move 
> and in which direction and which ones don't.
> I've never liked prepping my ingredients. This is one reason I bought 
> a food processor. Perhaps improving my knife work will improve things. 
> Certainly something I should do before I invest in better knives, 
> since I want the knives to fit the better motion and not buy for what 
> feels good with  my current motion and then have an improved motion 
> the new ones don't work with.
> Stefan
> --------

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