[Sca-cooks] Bread in the Shape of Body Parts

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 19 12:38:42 PDT 2004

Someone was asking about phallic bread. I know 
nothing about it, but i was looking at the Petits 
Propos Culinaires webpages and found the book 
review below which might be of some use (if you 
see some funny stuff, it's accented vowels - see 
below review for it without). I assume the book 
is in French, but it may have some English... i 


----- From PPC Volume 66 -----

Christine Armengaud: Le Diable Sucré: Gâteaux, 
Cannibalisme, Mort et Fécondité: Éditions de La 
Martinière, Paris, 2000: ISBN 2-7324-2498-6: 167 
pp., index, colour photos, p/b, FF150.

This is a giant album, the photographs overwhelm. 
It is a record of an exhibition at the Parc de la 
Villette in Paris over the winter of 2000-2001. 
Under one roof were gathered hundreds of figures 
and emblems: all made from bread, brioche or 
other dough. There is a sprightly, allusive 
commentary, so sprightly indeed that I had to 
work quite hard at decoding it. And there are 
recipes at the end. One of my favourite trinkets 
on our kitchen wall is a three-breasted biscuit 
figurine from southern Italy. Here I can read at 
last everything I need to know about St Agatha 
and breads in the shape of bits and pieces of the 
human body. 

-----  End Review -----

Title without accents: Le Diable Sucre [accent 
aigu over final e]: Gateaux [circumflex over 
first a], Cannibalisme, Mort et Fécondité [accent 
aigu over both e's]: Editions [accent aigu over 
initial e] de La Martiniere [accent grave over 
penultimate e]

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