[Sca-cooks] medieval forestry

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Wed Apr 13 17:24:51 PDT 2005

I sure wish they'd have asked us first--we're desperate for water (being 
year Idunno in a severe drought), and I'd really, really hate to be 
facing another summer like 2003 and 2000, when we spent literally months 
breathing ash and soot and smuts from nearby fires.
We're actually getting a bit of rain this month, but it in no way makes 
up for the unreasonably dry & warm winter we had.
So, pretty please, can we have our rain back?
--maire, in a part of Artemisia just east of the Pacific Northwet....

Huette von Ahrens wrote:
> --- "Laura C. Minnick" <lcm at jeffnet.org> wrote:
>>(And we're still behind on the water year. :-(
> That is because you [meaning the Pacific Northwest] so generously sent us [meaning Southern
> California] all your rain this winter.  2005 is listed, so far, as being the second wettest year
> in 
> Southern California history.
> Huette

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