[Sca-cooks] Rotten meat and spices...

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Wed Apr 13 20:48:10 PDT 2005

When you consider that a manor often had a large staff and that the 
population would grow between 40 and several hundred when the household(s) 
is in residence, there's not much of a problem using large quantities of 
meat.  Towns also have no problem using large quantities of meat.

While towns slaughtered year round, farm and manor slaughter was primarily 
an early winter activity, when the meat could be held for longer periods.


> When you have to kill an animal for meat, how are you going to eat all of 
> it before it goes bad??? 300 lbs of pig, can't kill one every 3 days so 
> you can have fresh meat.  1200 lbs of Cow, even 40 lbs of goat is an awful 
> lot of meat.  that is why salting,smoking,other curing and pickiling 
> methods happened.  And as to meat availability, check the standard 
> peasent/lord duty/responsibility contracts.  the ones I have seen state a 
> lord is required to provide a set amount of meat<in the form of live 
> animals to a peasent each year<or feast period>.
> Radei

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