[Sca-cooks] planting fish

Volker Bach carlton_bach at yahoo.de
Tue Dec 13 04:10:53 PST 2005

Am Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2005 08:17 schrieb Stefan li Rous:
> Urtatim commented:
>  >> Salmon is vegetarian?????
> My thoughts exactly. Last time i looked, one could not plant a fish
> in a garden (unless it had a pond)
> <<<
> Well, yes you can. It's just that the yield is usually zero, at least
> as far as new fish is concerned.
> Wasn't one of the tricks that the American Natives taught the
> European immigrants to put a fish in with the maize seed when they
> planted it? Or is that another one of those urban legends?

I don't know if it was the Indians, but fish can be used as fertiliser on bad 
soil and was, in New England. Before railway transportation, some 
Scandinavian communities did that, too. I'm told it stinks to high heaven, 
but then, in North Germany they used peat sods enriched over the winter with 
cattle urine and manure. I don't know which I'd prefer. 



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