[Sca-cooks] Sausage recipes

Robin Carroll-Mann rcmann4 at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 21 18:56:55 PST 2005

Phlip wrote:

>Brighid- any chance you could send me the chorizo recipe? I'd be interested in comparing it to modern versions.
Receta para hacer chorizos

     Carne de puerco magra y gorda picada, harina muy cernida, ajos 
mondados, clavos molidos, vino blanco, sal la que fuere menester. 
Amasarlo todo con el vino y despues de masado, dejarlo en un vaso 
cubierto un dia natural. Y despues henchir las tripas de vaca o puerco, 
cual quisieredes, de esta masa y ponerlas a secar al humo.



Recipe to make chorizos

Chopped pork, lean and fat, well-sifted flour, peeled garlic, ground 
cloves, white wine, salt as is necessary.  Knead it all with the wine, 
and after kneading it, leave it in a covered vessel for a full day*.  
And then stuff the intestines of cow or pig, whichever you wish, with 
this mixture [literally, dough], and set them to dry in the smoke.

*Note: As in English, "day" (dia) can mean the time between sunrise and 
sunset, or a 24-hour period.  The RAE dictionary makes it clear that 
"dia natural" means a full day, which is divided into daytime and nighttime.

Lady Brighid ni Chiarain
Barony of Settmour Swamp, East Kingdom
Robin Carroll-Mann *** rcmann4 at earthlink.net

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