[Sca-cooks] Ethnic was American Diet was Anchovette

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 11 23:37:50 PDT 2005

Adamantius wrote:
>  I think I could detect some sulfurous undertones when I was a kid  (also
>  wasn't a fan of mayonnaise or hardboiled eggs)...

Yes, my daughter is like this - quite sensitive to sulphur in food. 
She's otherwise quite experimental (although a little less so since 
she's been a vegetarian)

>I'm a confirmed pissaladiere junkie, myself. For you non-Provencale-
>types out there, this is basically a pizza topped with olive oil,
>caramelized onion, garlic, anchovies, black olives and herbs instead
>of the more recognizable cheese-and-tomato stuff. I never lived in
>the South of France, but my first restaurant job, the one where I May
>Conceivably Have Killed Craig Claiborne ;-) , was at a Provencale
>restaurant in New York...

Yesss, yesssssss, yesssssssssssssss!

>I wish I could remember who it was, but I remember reading an
>interview (probably in the NY Times) with some well-known female
>chef, who said her parents had both been cooks on some level, and
>they used to send her to school somewhere in the American Heartland
>with Westphalian Ham and Brie sandwiches, and the other kids used to
>make fun of her, sitting over their PB&J. In the interview she
>expressed astonishment that anyone could find that strange in a
>planet that also contains balut -- which she then described in fine
>detail. Since then that's been pretty much the only food that truly
>scares me.

I dated a Filipino-American (he was born here, his parents weren't) 
for a number of years when i lived in LA. I got to eat dinaguan at 
his auntie's house - Pat called it "chocolate soup" - it was highly 
seasoned with garlic and vinegar and made with liver, heart, etc., 
and the liquid it was cooked in was mostly blood. (and you've all 
heard what i said about organ meats - but i keep trying them...)

But i never did have balut. I *might* have tried it back then - back 
in the mid-1970s - i'm not convinced i'd do it now...
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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