[Sca-cooks] question about breads

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 4 13:26:47 PDT 2005

--- Volker Bach <carlton_bach at yahoo.de> wrote:

> A point in favour: they serve sugar-and-spice-strewn white bread at the Olde 
> Hansa medieval restaurant in Talinn and it's very good. I have no 
> documentation for it whatsoever, but it is still good. And remember, we were 
> all sure they didn't use flavored butter till the Wolfenbüttel MS turned 
> up :)
> Giano

I know that I grew up with something we called "cinnamon toast", which was white bread toasted
and, while still hot, spread with butter and then had cinnamon and white sugar strewn on it.  

Many years ago, I was talking with another Laurel here in Caid.  She is Hispanic and had found
a reproduction of a period Spanish cookbook somewhere.  I don't remember which one.  She told
an amusing story of picking a recipe to translate, struggling with the differences between
modern and Renaissance Spanish, and, after spending several hours on this one recipe, discovered
that the recipe was for cinnamon toast.  I wish I could ask her which cookbook she translated,
but she has dropped out of the SCA and I don't have any contact information for her.  

My point is that, in Spain, cinnamon toast was pre-1600.  It would not be unthinkable that
other cultures had cinnamon toast also.  

I cannot remember.  Did you post the recipe for flavored butter from the Wolfenbüttel MS on this


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