[Sca-cooks] Latin Phrases

kingstaste at mindspring.com kingstaste at mindspring.com
Sat May 28 09:08:44 PDT 2005

In doing some research on my menu for my Roman Banquet class this week, I
came across this site of Latin phrases.   I gleaned some of the best ones as
related to food, service, teaching etc., and thought I would share.
Propino fibi salutem!

From: Latin Quotes and Phrases - http://www.yuni.com/library/latin.html

Cum grano salis - With a grain of salt. (Pliny the Elder?)
Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo gallico fricta,
ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum - Give me a hamburger, french fries,
and a thick shake
Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam - I'll have a light beer
Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo - I'll have a pizza with
everything on it
De gustibus non est disputandum - There's no accounting for taste
Discere docendo - To learn through teaching
Docendo discitur - It is learned by teaching. (Seneca)
Dulce est desipere in loco - It is sweet to relax at the proper time
Emitte lucem et veritatem - Send out light and truth
Ergo bibamus - Therefore, let us drink
Escariorium lavator - Dishwashing machine
Fabas indulcet fames - Hunger sweetens the beans (hunger makes everything
taste good)
Fames est optimus coquus - Hunger is the best cook
Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero? - Do I drink this or stick my fingers
in it?
In dentibus anticis frustrum magnum spiniciae habes - You have a big piece
of spinach in your front teeth
In vino veritas - The truth is in wine. (A drunk person tells the truth)
Inventas vitam iuvat excoluisse per artes - Let us improve life through
science and art. (Vergil)
Medio tutissimus ibis - You will go safest in the middle. (Moderation in all
things) (Ovid)
Ne quid nimis - Nothing in excess. (Terence)
Non ut edam vivo, sed vivam edo - I do not live to eat, but eat to live.
Nonne macescis? - Have you lost weight?
Nullum gratuitum prandium - There is no free lunch!
Nunc est bibendum - Now we must drink. (Horace)
Omnes lagani pistrinae gelate male sapiunt - All frozen pizzas taste lousy
Osculare pultem meam! - Kiss my grits!
Plvres crapvla qvam gladivs - Drunkeness [kills] more than the sword.
Propino fibi salutem! - Cheers!
Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu - The important thing isn't how long
you live, but how well you live. (Seneca)
Qui docet discit - He who teaches learns
Quid est illa in auqua? - What's that in the water?
Qvod cibvs est aliis, aliis est wenenum - What is food to some is poison to
others. One man's meat is another poison)
Re vera, potas bene - Say, you sure are drinking a lot
Sobria inebrietas - Sober intoxication
Studium discendi voluntate quae cogi non potest constat - Study depends on
the good will of the student, a quality which cannot be secured by
Vade in pace - Go in peace. (Roman way of saying goodbye)
Vinum bellum iucunumque est, sed animo corporeque caret - It's a nice little
wine, but it lacks character and depth
Vinum et musica laetificant cor - Wine and music gladden the heart

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