[Sca-cooks] Knights Templar found from 1179

Sharon Gordon gordonse at one.net
Tue Apr 11 12:38:34 PDT 2006

Don't know if there were any finds for stomach contents or bone/tissue
analysis.  Has anyone seen an article
that would indicate if any  food-related studies are possible or planned?


They were found near the River Jordan in northern Israel.
The people were killed on August 29, 1179 by the Muslim leader, Saladin, who
attacked the fortress.

21:00 BBC 2 Timewatch: The Crusaders' Lost Fort
In 1179 the Crusaders began building a new fortress at a crossing on the
river Jordan known as Jacob's Ford. Proclaimed as impregnable by both
Christian and Muslim chroniclers, it was home to 1500 men, the elite troops
of the Knights Templar. This new castle seemed set to shift the balance of
power in favour of the Crusaders in their ongoing Holy War with Islam. But
within a year of its completion the castle was consumed in a great siege
lasting 5 days. The pride of the Crusaders had fallen and was utterly
destroyed - literally vanishing into the sands for over 800 years. Historian
Thomas Asbridge journeys back and finds a unique time capsule - a long lost
crusader castle. Can he solve the mystery of why the Castle fell so quickly?

gordonse at one.net

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