[Sca-cooks] more lovage

Aurelia Coritana aurelia_coritana at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 26 16:23:38 PDT 2006

Salve Aurelia,
  I've used celery seed in place of lovage fairly successfully, although I'm just now looking to grow actual lovage of my very own.
  It takes over the place, they say?


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:50:48 -0700
From: "Rikke D. Giles" 
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Lovage, Lovage, who's got the Lovage?
To: Cooks within the SCA 
Message-ID: <1146091848l.3016l.0l at rose>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; DelSp=Yes; Format=Flowed

On 2006.04.26 12:43, Aurelia Rufinia wrote:
> Lets talk lovage.

I've a huge growth of lovage (sounds like a condition really, and 
under certain circumstances it is). It grows like gangbusters here. 
We've little seedlings here and there which I have to weed out, but 
we've also a stand of it at about 2-3 feet tall right now, and 
heading on up to it's 8-10 foot maximum. Things just grow bigger 
here in the NW.

As for celery, it's a far better subsitute for lovage than parsley. 
Lovage is extremely strong 'celery' tasting. So much so that one or 
two leaf fronds can take the place of a whole head of celery in a 
dish. Now, Black Lovage is different, being an annual, much more 
delicate and having a slightly different flavor. It does reseed 
itself every year for us.

If I can figure a way to send some fresh lovage your way, I am 
willing to do it. Other than that, I would say that celery is the 
only really good substitute.


HL Aelianora de Wintringham
Barony of Dragon's Laire
Kingdom of An Tir

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