[Sca-cooks] OT - Crypto-American-Idlers

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Thu Apr 27 18:20:59 PDT 2006

At 06:25 AM 4/27/2006, you wrote:
>>>>I had an Auntie Anne's pretzel with cheese sauce, and American Idol.
>>>And Keppler Pimply goes DOOOOWN!!!
>>>Ada... uhmmm... 'Lainie (the kid had it on... honest)
>>>(No, really, I mean it...)
>>Hey! What is this taking my name in vain thing, huh? I've never
>>even seen American Idol. Last time I watched tv was... um... 3, 4
>>weeks ago? maybe...
>If nobody took your name in vain, they'd have to admit in a public
>forum that they have someone in their home that watches "American
>Idol". Which might be regarded by some as a little embarrassing. For
>myself, I'll say there is very nearly no limit to the cr at p I will
>watch on television. I'm a man who wrote a well-received paper on the
>parallels between Chaucer and the Three Stooges,

I just have to say here that I one got a very good grade on a paper that 
said of Chaucer's Miller:

>The Miller seems almost more of a caricature than a character, with his 
>very ugly face, complete with hairy wart, big mouth, and proclivity for 
>breaking down doors with his head. This is the Ralph Kramden of the 
>Canterbury Tales- the big, ugly blowhard who always has a ribald joke or 
>song, who is more clownish than threatening in his bombast


>Every town surely had a local version of him; loud, obnoxious, likely to 
>drink too much and get into fights, the man who knows every dirty joke in 
>the county, the one who is always challenging his barmates to wrestle, but 
>seldom finding any takers.


>The Miller is our brother-in-law or uncle that embarrasses everyone at the 
>family reunion. He is loud, drinks too much, tells dirty jokes, brags 
>about his bowling scores, and makes us wonder about the taste of the poor 
>dear who married him. He could be the auto mechanic down the block, who 
>you have to go to because he is the only one in town who can fix your 
>model of car, but you know he overcharges you. He is the ugly guy at the 
>bar, who gets red in the face and wants to know "What you lookin' at?" He 
>is also the one who surprises us all at the ballgame, singing "The Star 
>Spangled Banner" with a resonant baritone, without fumbling for the words.

Not quite the Three Stooges, but Ralph Kramden (or his cartoon version, 
Fred Flintstone) is close enough.

>It's okay, 'Lainie. You can tell us you watched it. You're among
>friends... we're here for you...

Nope. Didn't. I did watch some clips from Stephen Colbaaaair and Jon 
Stewart online though. :-)

>Adamantius (growing beard, changing name, moving to another country)

Does Susan know about this? ;-) She might be concerned about the exposure 
of #1 son...

'Lainie, off to make shrimp with asparagus and red peppers...
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something 
else is more important than fear.   --Ambrose Redmoon 

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