[Sca-cooks] OOP (but who cares?): Smoothies, Shakes and other cold drinks

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Mon Aug 7 18:32:09 PDT 2006

I'm not much on smoothies in general (just something about the texture, or
maybe that they always seem to have bananas in them), or shakes, often,
which always surprises me if I think about it because I'm an ice cream
In the summer, I have to have a chocolate hazelnut coffee milkshake, just
once (an exception to the general shake rule).  They are just divine, but
very intense.  I like iced tea (herbal or black) in which I can control the
degree of sweetness--I've finally had a chance to try sweet tea, and can't
stand it (too sweet).  I adore sekanjabin made with a mint blend--I've got
five or six mint varieties growing in various pots and plots out front, so I
make it myself.
This summer, I've been busting my budget buying lemons and making homemade
lemonade with simple syrup. Yummmm!  I find I like it best somewhere between
half-strength and 3-quarter strength.  I've tried the medieval version, and
it's okay, but has a definite "cooked" flavor.
I'm most likely to be drinking iced coffee or an iced latte if I go out; or
water.  Iced coffee with Bailey's is pretty good, too, as are juice/fizzy
drinks with limoncello or citrus vodkas.
What I have not yet had, and am now jonesing for in a bad way are:
a really good, blended margarita (no sissy flavors, just lime and salt and
tequila and ice...mmmm)
several kamikaze's (on the rocks)...these are drinks made of vodka, triple
sec, and lime juice
a really good Cosmopolitan (hmmm...vodka theme)
a Cuba Libre.... (coke and lime, ANY time! ;o)
a certain local beer known as "Trout Slayer"...very nice and light


----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Levesque" <petruvoda at videotron.ca>
To: "Cooks within the SCA" <sca-cooks at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 1:04 PM
Subject: [Sca-cooks] OOP (but who cares?): Smoothies,Shakes and other cold

> Since it's Pennsic, and we're stuck home in the heat:
> What are your favorites smoothies or shakes or other drinks (lassi, iced
> tea, whatever) recipes?

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