[Sca-cooks] zakuskas

Volker Bach carlton_bach at yahoo.de
Fri Jul 21 00:22:41 PDT 2006

Am Freitag, 21. Juli 2006 10:21 schrieb David Friedman:
> >Ok Jadwiega, here is what I served at the Judge's Luncheon. ... For drinks
> > I served cranberry/raspberry juice and hot tea with cherry, raspberry or
> > blackberry preserves to go in it.
> Did the Russians get tea from the Mongols? It wasn't in general use
> in Europe until a little after 1600, as best I recall; I don't
> remember if it's mentioned in Domostroi or not.

AFAIR tea was not common in Mongol culture until well after the Empire. 
Certainly Genghis' hordes were far more partial to fermented drinks. I would 
speculate tea became popular in Russia around the same time it did in the 
rest of Europe - there certainly is little evidence of a trans-Siberian tea 
trade (or anything-trade) to Russia prior to the 1600s.  




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