[Sca-cooks] remove vs course

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 6 22:16:25 PDT 2006

Giano wrote:
>Am Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006 00:55 schrieb Marcha:
>  > Mich entschuldigen...was ein "pantocrat"? ist. (Auf englisch bitte)  Bertha
>Prtivate joke - I'm, notorious in my home kingdom for my love of all things
>Roman (the last court I attended I went to in Augustan toga). Thus I state
>that no er?lf respecting empire - which the SCA, comprising numerous client
>kingdoms, clearly is - should be without a pantocrat, a pantokrator, in
>reference to the East Roman Emperor (though also used to describe Jesus on
>the Second Coming, for what it's worth)
>Autocrats are nice, too, but I don't fancy the Russian winter. :-)

And here i thought a pantocrat was the person in charge of the bread 
at a feast...

who don't need no stinkin' rock

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