[Sca-cooks] new beasty

Dianne & Greg Stucki goofy1 at suscom.net
Fri Mar 24 05:35:06 PST 2006

>>  On the other hand, it does seem to have a high creepiness index for
>>  many people ;-)
> I guess i don't understand. I thought it was beautiful.
> Now, thinking about all the dust mites in my carpet creeps me out a 
> little, but (hyperbole alert) we'd be suffocating in our dead skin cells 
> (end hyperbole) without them. Lots of "creepy critters" are necessary for 
> life on Earth - decomposition makes room for more...
> -- 
> Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
> the persona formerly known as Anahita

I thought it was rather pretty, too. But I much prefer it down at the bottom 
of the ocean floor where it belongs.

And I don't mind most creepy critters. Spiders are welcome in my home, since 
they eat the creepies that do bother me. (But they do have to stay out of 
the shower.)

Centipedes, on the other hand, are right out. They give me the willies. 
Probably the ONLY bug where I revert to pure girly-girl and shriek for my 
husband to come and get rid of it RIGHT NOW.


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