[Sca-cooks] medicinal recipies

Sydney Walker Freedman freedmas at stolaf.edu
Sun Nov 12 17:14:00 PST 2006

Is the recipe referring to camphor resin (from a tree in the related to
cinnamon) or to the camphor from elecampane?  I thought it referred to the
former.  Any ideas?

> aibhilin commented:
> <<< I have not tried this one but I have worked with edible camphor.
> make sure
> you get it from a good East Indian shop and tell them it is to eat.
> They
> will make sure you get the right stuff. There are several different
> ways to
> process campor, and some should not be ingested.>>>
> Ummm. Yes, looking at the comments on processing camphor, it does
> sound like you want to make sure you get the stuff processed to
> ingest if you are going to use it in food.
> There are a number of comments on camphor in this Florilegium file,
> including the message I've included here.
> gums-resins-msg   (32K)  8/31/03    Period use of plant gums and
> resins. Myrrh,
>                                         mastic, frankincense, camphor.
> http://www.florilegium.org/files/PLANTS/gums-resins-msg.html
> -----
> [Submitted to the Florilegium by: "Philippa Alderton" <phlip at
> bright.net>]
> From: Gaylin Walli <g.walli at infoengine.com>
> To: herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG
> Subject: Re: HERB - 'syropp of ela campane'
> Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 9:29 AM
> Phlip asked:
>  >Any ideas, folks?
> This is how I would look at it.
> 'syropp of ela campane' would probably be a syrup of the plant
> elecampane, often called Elfwort or Scabwort. The botanical of
> this plant is Inula helenium (L.) I think. One of the major
> constituents of the plant is the volitale oil "helenin" which
> is sometimes called "elecampane camphor." Camphor, throughout
> history, has been used to treat the symptoms of any of the
> numerous kinds of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.
> An excellent write-up on Elecampane can be found in M. Grieve's
> (OOP) herbal online at
> http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/e/elecam07.html
> and this writeup includes pointers to period sources (including
> Gerard, Culpepper, and others) which may be of use to the SCAdian
> or recreator in tracking down the origins of the syrup's creation.
> Jasmine
> Jasmine de Cordoba, Midrealm, g.walli at infoengine.com
> -----
> Stefan
> --------
> THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
>     Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas
> StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
> **** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****
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Pax Christi,

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