[Sca-cooks] Random food-related questions....

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Tue Nov 14 11:19:00 PST 2006

> 2.  Has anyone played with ale barm much? A brewing friend just gave me 
> two
> jars of it (about three cups total), from a batch of brown ale, and I'd 
> like
> to use it in some bread, but don't know how to go about it.  It's a fairly
> substantial slurry of yeasts and such at this point.  My thought was to 
> use
> it almost like a sourdough starter, but any advice would be much
> appreciated!

Use it fast or feed it (water and malt extract)..  If you don't, it will 
die.  There is also a possibility that it will be infected by mold if you 
try to hold it.  It is not a starter and will not keep like a starter.  It 
is a yeast solution equivalent to dry active yeast proofed in some water.

Is it actual barm (the scum off the top of the ale pot) or is it the dregs 
(the stuff on the bottom of the pot)?  If it is the latter, you may want to 
wash (dilute) and strain it.  Use a cup of it to a couple of cups of flour 
to make a sponge, let it set for about 24 hours, then use it to make your 

> 3.  Other than bread-making, what would you-all do if you suddenly owned 
> 25
> lbs. of basic, Gold Medal flour? (gift/donation from same friend who gave 
> me
> the barm) I've had a lot of problems with miller moths in my kitchen this
> year, so I don't know that I want to store it long term, so I'm looking 
> for
> baking ideas? It's almost that time of year, plus, running the stove keeps
> that end of the house warm!
> --Maire

Weinachtstollen, pandoro, fruitcake, pies, doughnuts, bagels, etc., etc. 


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