[Sca-cooks] medicinal recipies

Sydney Walker Freedman freedmas at stolaf.edu
Tue Nov 14 10:58:53 PST 2006

I don't think you can buy real musk anymore, and the only synthetic kind I
know of is for perfumery.  Does anyone know of a food-grade one?  I've
heard that orange flower water is similar in flavor.

> Neither do I, so I can't use that as a source either.  Phlip...what about
> asking Paul?
> On another note, can anyone tell me, should I decide to try one of the
> many
> recipes that call for these two ingredients (camphor and musk) where I
> could
> find food-grade supplies of either (or both).  Or does anyone know of a
> substitute that would give a similar flavor?
> Thanks!
> Kiri
> On 11/14/06, Terry Decker <t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>> The Arabic usage (that little of it I have been able to find) and the
>> derivation of camphor into English suggest that the camphor called for
>> in
>> the recipes is indeed camphor from Cinnamomum camphora.
>> Having no access to Huici-Miranda's translation, I can't comment on
>> "Camphor
>> from Basil."
>> Bear
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> Whether camphor called for in the Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the
>> Thirteenth Century is from camphor resin or from a tree related to
>> cinnamon or camphor from elecampane is too technical for the Huici or
>> Perry translations as no explanation is provided except in in Huici´s
>> translation of the recipe "Camphor from Basil," see CXVI on page 141.
>> Susan
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Pax Christi,

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