[Sca-cooks] Interpretation question was: Period? was Tomatoes

Susan Fox selene at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 6 08:13:27 PDT 2006

> .  The second one, being  "they doe eat 
> the Apples with oile, vineger and pepper mixed together for sauce  to their 
> meat, euen as we in these cold Countries doe Mustard", requires more  thought.  
If they don't say anything about cooking, I won't assume it's supposed 
to be cooked.  It sounds like a nice relish to me.

Compare with today's Insalata Caprese, with olive oil and balsamic 
vinegar, only without the cheese and basil.

Tangent:  Trader Joe's is selling tiny little mozzarella cheese balls 
about 1 cm. in diameter.  I want to make a caprese out of this with the 
teeny grape tomatoes and the youngest tiny basil leaves.  *ded of cute!*


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