[Sca-cooks] Weather

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Thu Oct 12 04:23:23 PDT 2006

On Oct 12, 2006, at 6:52 AM, Johnna Holloway wrote:

> They've announced that we are going to have
> a mild winter.
> It's October 12th. And it's snowing.
> Seriously, it's snowing...
> The baseball games in Detroit this weekend are
> going to be a bit chilly.

I had to check the schedule to assure myself, mathematically, that  
there _would_ be games in Detroit over the weekend...

I don't know where people are getting the idea this winter will be mild.

Adamantius, with a vested interest in a full seven-game series

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