[Sca-cooks] OT: Coronet Merchant Recommendation

Katheline van Weye kat_weye at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 14:45:06 PDT 2006

Pardon me for this non-cooking message but I know this group reaches a broad
segment of people.

It's time for me to begin the search for a coronet merchant as my husband and I
are halfway through our landed baroness/baron term and will need personal
coronets when we step down (should Their Majesties deem us worthy of the
Bannthegn/Thegn positions at that time).  I haven't really seen the style of
coronet I like from any of the artisans in Atenveldt so I thought I would
search further out.  My preference is for either a pierced metal or etched
"lacy" design as my ultimate goal is to have a coronet with a traditional
Elizabethan blackwork design on it.  I find the various "vine" coronets out
there to be quite lovely but with all of the soldering on them I am very
worried about breakage so I do not think those styles will do for me.  I do not
care for the hinged coronets as our Barony has one set of those and all they do
is rip out my hair.

The Apples and Flowers Coronet on Craft Fox at
http://www.craftyfox.com/coronets/sterling-silver.html is a good example of the
pierced design that I like.  Drachenstein Treasures also shows a pierced
coronet at http://www.dragonsjewels.com/bar31.jpg.  A simple etched coronet on
Drachenstein Treasures is at http://www.dragonsjewels.com/bar45.jpg.

Any suggestions or recommendations for merchants?  I turn to you all because
though I see a lovely coronet on a website, it doesn't guarantee that the
merchant is able to produce such a coronet again in the time frame we need or
with the same quality.  But you all know which merchants have done well by you
and which haven't so I hope you can help me with this quest.

Thank you!  E-mail can be sent to me privately rather than cluttering up
Gunthar's wonderful list.

In Service,
Katheline van Weye

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