[Sca-cooks] Lombardy Tarts was Speaking of beets...

Johnna Holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Wed Sep 6 20:57:39 PDT 2006

The Lombardy Tart/Lumdardy tartes recipe provoked a great deal of 
back in the winter of 2004. It led to all sorts of postings like
 2/1/2004 10:54 PM

So far, we have seen no period recipes calling for beet roots--just
one barely period comment by Gerard to the effect that someone ought
to develop some good recipes for them. And we have seen lots of
period references to beet greens as the part that is eaten--including
We don't need to invoke scribal error yet.
I set out then to see what else about beets and beetroots could be located
in the actual printed texts and manuscripts. It was a pretty exhaustive 
through the English materials.
During the course of several days in February 2004 I then typed out and 
posted material
from the actual sources to the list in a series of posts.
Most of this material was then added to the file on beets in the
Florilegium which is why I mentioned the file on Beets and the work I did
on them a few days back.
For the sake of completeness,
I should add that the "*Lumdardy Tartes*
(John Partridge, _The good Huswife's Handmaide for the Kitchin_, 1594)"
as given in a posting on beets on 9/4/2006 10:41 PM
is incorrectly cited. John Partridge is not the author of title:
A Good Huswife's Handmaide for the Kitchin.
The author is not cited in the text so it should be
properly catalogued as by Anonymous.
The Running title reads: A new booke of cookerie.
The STC is 3298. The Bodleian Library's copy was filmed
twice and appears in the UMI collection of microfilms
and online through EEBO.
John Partridge is the credited author of other Elizabethan cookbooks,
but his name doesn't appear in this one.

Hope this helps,

Johnnae llyn Lewis

Stephanie Ross wrote:
> I was thinking of beets and Lombardy tarts today in the shower. I have made
> Lombardy tarts with beet roots and thought they were great! However, I
> can't recall another beet tart/pie recipe that specifies it is made with
> beet roots, even in Russian cuisine. I know that there are a couple
> different cultures and timeperiods where they made what was basically
> quiche with herbs/greens in it. Are there any other beet tarts recipes made
> with beet roots other than Lombardy tarts? snipped
> ~Aislinn~

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