[Sca-cooks] Speaking of beets...

lilinah@earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 7 01:37:08 PDT 2006

Stephanie Ross wrote:
>I was thinking of beets and Lombardy tarts today in the shower. I have made
>Lombardy tarts with beet roots and thought they were great! However, I
>can't recall another beet tart/pie recipe that specifies it is made with
>beet roots, even in Russian cuisine.

Marx Rumpolt, 1581

30. Nimb Ruben/ die gebraten seyn/ hack sie/ vnnd mach sie mit Butter an/
vnd versaltz es nicht/ so ist es ein gute Fu:ell in ein Turten.

30. Take roots (beets/turnips/carrots...)/ that have been fried/ chop 
them/ and prepare them with butter/ and do not oversalt them/ so it 
is a good filling for Turten.

Granted, the original does not specify which roots to use, but other 
recipes in this cookbook call for "rot ruben" = "red root" which is 
beet root, so i figure beets could be used in this dish.
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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