[Sca-cooks] period oion soups

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa / Jenne Heise jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Wed Sep 6 18:08:29 PDT 2006

These go over quite well on dayboards, by the way.

> Why not try the oyle sops from the two-15th C cookery books; it can be 
> interpreted as an onion soup in a beer base:
> .xxxiij. Oyle Soppys.?Take a gode quantyte of Oynonys, an mynse hem not to 
> smale, an sethe in fayre Water: ?an take hem vp, an take a gode quantite of 
> Stale Ale, as .iij. galouns, an ?er-to take a pynte of Oyle fryid, an caste 
> ?e Oynonys ?er-to, an let boyle alle to-gederys a gode whyle; then caste 
> ?er-to Safroune, powder Pepyr, Sugre, an Salt, an serue forth alle hote as 
> tostes, [leaf 11.] as in ?e same maner for a Mawlard & of a capon, & hoc 
> qu?re.*
> The soupes dorroy is also a possibility:
> .xxx. Soupes dorroy.?Shere Oynonys, an frye hem in oyle; ?anne take Wyne, 
> an boyle with Oynonys, toste whyte Brede an do on a dysshe, an caste ?er-on 
> gode Almaunde Mylke, & temper it wyth wyne: ?anne do ?e dorry a-bowte, an 
> messe it forth.
> toodles, margaret
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-- Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika jenne at fiedlerfamily.net 
"History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it screams
'Why don't you ever listen to me?' and lets fly with a club."

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