[Sca-cooks] OT: Coronet Merchant Recommendation

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 7 17:57:38 PDT 2006

>My preference is for either a pierced metal or etched
>"lacy" design as my ultimate goal is to have a coronet with a traditional
>Elizabethan blackwork design on it.  I find the various "vine" coronets out
>there to be quite lovely but with all of the soldering on them I am very
>worried about breakage so I do not think those styles will do for me.  I do 
>care for the hinged coronets as our Barony has one set of those and all 
>they do
>is rip out my hair.
>In Service,
>Katheline van Weye

You might like the work of my squire's lady. She is getting to be pretty 
known for her coronets. She made both the coronets you usually saw me wear
and knows how to do hinged right. You know my hair and it has never gotten
caught in mine.


The coronets are posted in the jewelry section and you can see she can
fit a variety of styles.


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