[Sca-cooks] REDUX: Deep frying whole eggs

grizly grizly at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 12 20:57:51 PDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
I was wondering at first why you went to such an effort to use a room
temperature egg, but then I realized that the difference between a
refrigerated and a room-temperature egg would only be about 50
degrees, so it probably wouldn't make much difference. For a wider
temperature extreme it might work better to use a refrigerated egg
with the same 350 degree oil though, than a room-temperature egg at
400 degrees. < < < < <

My assumption was that temperature gradients disasterously affect many
things cookery:  cudling yolks, seizing sauces, fracturing glass, warping
metal pans, etc.  So, I started with a room temperature as oppsed to 33F,
temp of my 47 cu ft cooler.  Oil woundn't notice the difference in temp, but
the shell and innards might have . . . that is session testing number 2.

> > > > 40 pounds of hot oil, though. Wow. Are those deep fryers well
stabilized? I have this horrible picture of one of those tipping over
and splashing 350 (500!) degree oil everywhere. And to think, early
on on this list, I asked Adamantius why a commercial kitchen would be
considered dangerous.  sigh.  < < < < <

Yeah.  There's a reason liability insurance companies ask how many fryers I
have.  If you don't go reaching in the oil for an escaped chicken wing,
you're pretty safe.  Little "oil bites" from spatter here and there is not
uncommon, not unlike sauteeing chicken breast, though.  I got wise and got
my staff "the duck", so if they get hurt and miss work, it won't hurt to
miss work.  Motorized slicers are the other monster of the industrial
kitchen (and insurance premiums).

niccolo difrancesco
(57 days to being unhomed by my landlords . . . restaurant that is)

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