[Sca-cooks] Spanish Feast after-action report

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa / Jenne Heise jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Wed Sep 13 16:42:06 PDT 2006

> > Well, the Conviencia feast is over, I have most of my brain back, and it
> > went well.
>  Looks like you had your work cut out for you , and what the audience 
> doesn`t know is always in your favour. Congrats

Thanks! It wasn't too bad-- and I had a great staff and a great autocrat 
(who put me up in the best cabin area on site-- we had our own shower 
and everything!) to help me. In fact, it was great-- I ended the weekend 
very relaxed and having enjoyed doing it.

-- Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika jenne at fiedlerfamily.net 
"History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it screams
'Why don't you ever listen to me?' and lets fly with a club."

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