[Sca-cooks] Lombardy Tarts was Speaking of beets...

Saint Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Thu Sep 7 06:08:19 PDT 2006

Aislinn- when this discussion of beet roots and beets was going on, I
had a discussion with a Russian friend, a national, who has a strong
interest in SCA and similar periods in history. He said that there was
a specific word for "beets", and that in his experience, referring to
the greens of beets or any other green would simply use a generic word
for "greens", much like we English speakers do.

Stefan, do you want to go back into the SPCA files and pull that
discussion out? Or, if you prefer, I can do it next week- I'm going to
be pretty busy this weekend (starting later today) and could likely
use a reminder, if you want me to do it.

On 9/6/06, Johnna Holloway <johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu> wrote:
> The Lombardy Tart/Lumdardy tartes recipe provoked a great deal of
> discussion
> back in the winter of 2004. It led to all sorts of postings like
>  2/1/2004 10:54 PM
> So far, we have seen no period recipes calling for beet roots--just
> one barely period comment by Gerard to the effect that someone ought
> to develop some good recipes for them. And we have seen lots of
> period references to beet greens as the part that is eaten--including
> Gerard.
> We don't need to invoke scribal error yet.
> --
> David/Cariadoc
> ----------------
> I set out then to see what else about beets and beetroots could be located
> in the actual printed texts and manuscripts. It was a pretty exhaustive
> search
> through the English materials.
> During the course of several days in February 2004 I then typed out and
> posted material
> from the actual sources to the list in a series of posts.
> Most of this material was then added to the file on beets in the
> Florilegium which is why I mentioned the file on Beets and the work I did
> on them a few days back.
> For the sake of completeness,
> I should add that the "*Lumdardy Tartes*
> (John Partridge, _The good Huswife's Handmaide for the Kitchin_, 1594)"
> as given in a posting on beets on 9/4/2006 10:41 PM
> is incorrectly cited. John Partridge is not the author of title:
> A Good Huswife's Handmaide for the Kitchin.
> The author is not cited in the text so it should be
> properly catalogued as by Anonymous.
> The Running title reads: A new booke of cookerie.
> The STC is 3298. The Bodleian Library's copy was filmed
> twice and appears in the UMI collection of microfilms
> and online through EEBO.
> John Partridge is the credited author of other Elizabethan cookbooks,
> but his name doesn't appear in this one.
> Hope this helps,
> Johnnae llyn Lewis
> Stephanie Ross wrote:
> > I was thinking of beets and Lombardy tarts today in the shower. I have made
> > Lombardy tarts with beet roots and thought they were great! However, I
> > can't recall another beet tart/pie recipe that specifies it is made with
> > beet roots, even in Russian cuisine. I know that there are a couple
> > different cultures and timeperiods where they made what was basically
> > quiche with herbs/greens in it. Are there any other beet tarts recipes made
> > with beet roots other than Lombardy tarts? snipped
> >
> > ~Aislinn~
> >
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Saint Phlip

Heat it up
Hit it hard
Repent as necessary.

Has anyone seen my temper?
I seem to have misplaced it at Stalag XXXV....

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