[Sca-cooks] recipie help - Roman Dining

Johnna Holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Fri Aug 24 18:47:37 PDT 2007

When and what kingdom? Any other details that you can recall?


Georgia Foster wrote:
> This discussion has triggered a memory.  I am looking for the recipie for a dish that was served at feast, listed as Roman Cherries.  It was a sweet dish comprised of cherries and some thickening agent (suspect the cook used commercial pie filling ... but I can not be certain of that), with a semi-stirred in mixture of bulgar wheat, sugar, cinnamon, and had lemon juice.  I suspect the bulgar wheat mixture had little ro no shortning or eggs (didn't hang togeather well).  For all the world it resembled cobbler made with bugar wheat instead of wheat flour or oats.Any road, it was really yummy ... and I dont usually enjoy cherries all that much.  anyone ever seen/heard of/ enjoyed/made something like this?

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