[Sca-cooks] OT, OOP Gifts at Hanukah

Heleen Greenwald heleen at ptd.net
Sun Dec 9 06:48:00 PST 2007

First off, that is very sweet of you to want to cook for them.

Following the minhag (custom) of '3 Jews - 4 opinions', I would ask  
your brother's SO what she would like to eat and what she won't eat.  
She may well eat whatever you are making.  As far as respecting her  
customs (or our customs) feel free to email me (off list as well) and  
ask any question you like. I will try my best to answer. I was raised  
in this stuff and taught it for years...(and have spent the last 10  
or so years trying to recover - don't get me started on organized  

As for the spelling of Chanukah...  The word does not start with an  
'H' sound as in Hay. It is a Hebrew word and starts with the letter  
'chet'...H with a dot under it.  (Think Billy Crystal...Yiddish (also  
hebrew) "A language of choking and spitting."  ) Since there is  
really no way to write the chet (h /dot under) in English, at the  
beginning of the 20th C or there abouts the h w/dot under was  
represented by 'ch'.  Later in the century the more liberal Jews  
decided to just use the H since Chanukah (old english spelling) and  
Hanukah were, to western tongues, pronounced very similarly and most  
people , the majority born here and no longer with an eastern  
European accent, (Yiddish accent) just said 'Hanukah'... as to the  
double letters..... refer back to Minhag in paragraph  
above.....actually, I think the ancient spelling of Chanukah (In  
Hebrew) had a double nun or double kuf,.  Will have to check that.  
(so some dim bulb thought it would be a good idea to spell it in  
English like that..... <opinion mine >

Now, Good gentles, please forgive me for rambling on like this. And  
Dear Papa and gentles on the list.... I'm truly sorry that I don't  
post more about food..... I have food problems and simply cannot eat  
most things and basically cook the same 3 things....... and am no  
longer connected with a local group....so I feel I have little to  
say. But I do read the posts and enjoy the discussions; many thanks  
for that!

On Dec 9, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Georgia Foster wrote:

> I had thought that a small gift each night of Hanukah was the  
> norm.  Guess that goes to show what I know.  Need to look more into  
> it I guess .. my brother-of-choice is in a long-term relationship  
> with a woman who was raised Jewish (currently not practicing in the  
> home I am told).  I sent them a Hanukah card for her and a  
> Christmas card for him and a pound of 100% Kona coffee from Bad Ass  
> Coffee for both.  I know how to cook for her when next they come to  
> visit, but I would like to know more about how to respect her customs.
> I have a question
> How do you spell that?   I have seen Hanukah and Chanukah and  
> several other variations ... what is the preferred and what is the  
> difference??
> Cheers
> Malkin
> Otherhill
> Artemisia
> Jo (Georgia L.) Foster
> Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run ... he hates  
> that.
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