[Sca-cooks] Pie in a Pipkin

Louise Smithson helewyse at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 05:24:18 PST 2007

Anyone have "Epulario" handy, and can you post the original recipe?
To make a Pie in a possenet or pipkin
To make a pie in a pipkin.  First take the flesh and good Beef Suet, and mince smal, and put it in a pipkin, and if you will you may put therein Capon, Henne, or Pigeon, then set it on the coales, and when it beginneth to boile, skim it.  Then take a few small reasons and an Onion, and mince them small and fry them with good suet, and put them suet and all into the pipkin, and when it is ready, put spice and vergiuice into it.  And if thou thinke good but therein likewise yolkes of two or three egges beaten, which done, you may dish it and tend to the table. 

For comparison the same recipe from Martino (transcribed from the Art of Cooking, the first modern cookery book). 
How to prepare a pie in a pot
First, take the meat and some good veal fat and chop and place in the pot.  If you wish, you can add some pullet or squab with the meat.  Then put the pot on some hot coals away from the flame.  When it begins to boil, make sure that it is well scummed; then add a small amount of raisins and take a bit of finely chopped onion fried with some good lard and add to the pot together with the lard.  When it seems done cooking, add some good spices and some verjuice, if you wish you can add one or two beaten egg yolks. As soon as the pie is done serve. 

Now remember: 
Martino wrote his recipes in Italian, with lots of details to the cook. 
Platina translated it into Latin added some commentary and called it "on right pleasure and good health" 
It was then translated from Latin back into Italian and called Epulario
Then it was translated into English.  
Generally speaking the recipes make more sense in Martino than they do in the Epulario.  More complex recipes look even worse. 


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